Tag : queensland

Riffe Life 2016 / video

National Orchestra of Samoa / video

While living in Samoa for twelve months Jessie Cripps teamed up with another Australian Volunteer for International Development, Beatrice Carey, to film a short video on her assignment in Samoa. Beatrice is a Continue Reading →

Scope Global: Special Olympics Samoa / video

While living in Samoa for twelve months, Jessie Cripps teamed up with another Australian Volunteer for International Development, Andrew Flynn, to film a short video on his volunteer assignment in Samoa. Andrew is the Continue Reading →

Noob Spearo Podcast featuring UAP Co-founders: Jessie Cripps & Michael Takach

Noob Spearo Podcast featuring UAP Co-founders: Jessie Cripps & Michael Takach

  We recently partnered up with Noob Spearo for an interesting podcast on all things underwater, check it out for tips on hunting and...

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Spearfishing – 9kg Mangrove Jack / video

Michael Takach spearing a beautiful 9kg Mangrove Jack out of a mega school in Queensland, Australia.

Big Jobfish & Mangrove Jacks w/Bryson Sheehy / video

A big THANK YOU to Bryson Sheehy for this episode’s amazing footage!
Guess the weight of Bry’s monster Jobfish and win a LARGE Dry Bag from our friends at www.drystore.com.au
All you have to do is:
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Shark eats Spanish Mackerel / video

You have to be quick in central Queensland, Australia because you’re not the only one after a feed of fish! Shoot your fish well and pull them in FAST or else…

Spearfishing Australia – Blackspot Tuskfish / video

Michael Takach showing us how its done spearing a 10kg Blackspot Tuskfish.